Consigner Reports

Log in below to view your custom report.

Your customized consigner report provides:

  • A list of your sold items
  • Your current balance ("consigner credit" and "cash")
  • All payouts (both cash & credit for orders)

To Use as Credit for Purchases (online & in-store)

  1. Shop online and add items to cart as you normally would.
  2. When checking out, enter your e-mail in the 'Contact Information" field. You must use same e-mail that you use to access your consigner portal.
  3. Your consigner account will automatically deduct the amount spent.

IMPORTANT: If there is not enough credit to cover the order amount, you will receive an e-mail with the remaining amount owing. You may pay this balance by e-transfer or when you pick up your order.

Log in to your Consigner Report


To Receive a Cash Payout

For an e-transfer payout (payouts are sent at the end of the month.) fill out the form below.